Subfloor Preparation & Repairs

Having the correct subfloor preparation can be the difference between a long-lasting floor with a great finish or a floor completely failing! At Mighty Carpets & Flooring, we understand the importance of proper subfloor preparation to ensure the success of your new flooring installation.

Why Subfloor Preparation Matters?

Subfloor preparation is essential for achieving a smooth and stable surface for your new floor. Issues such as unevenness, moisture problems, and structural instability can lead to premature wear and damage to your flooring.

Our Approach

If necessary we’ll conduct thorough moisture testing to assess the moisture levels in your subfloor. This helps us determine if any moisture mitigation measures such as a damp proof membrane (DPM) are necessary to prevent future issues.

Next, we inspect the subfloor to ensure it is stable and structurally sound. It maybe necessary for us to mechanically remove any laitance, or contaminated surfaces, or carry out some repairs.

Depending on the condition of your subfloor and the requirements of your new flooring, we may recommend various preparation methods, including applying smoothing compounds, laying plywood or hardboard, or performing other necessary adjustments to create a suitable base for your flooring.

Our Commitment to Quality

We take pride in delivering exceptional results and are dedicated to ensuring your subfloor is prepared correctly to ensure the success of your flooring installation. We use high-quality materials and industry-leading techniques to achieve durable and long-lasting results that exceed your expectations.

Ready to get started?

Contact us today to schedule a free home visit and discover how our subfloor preparation services can help you achieve the perfect foundation for your new floor. Let us take care of the details so you can enjoy a beautiful and flawless flooring installation!